Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Cake pops

We are into cake pops in a big way at the moment and am loving Bakarellas new book which give  DIY instructions on making cake pops. Below we have included step by step instructions on making wedding cake cake pops all courtesy of Bakerella! (A great site if you like baking as much as I do.)

Read the basic instructions for making cake pops, and then use following directions to turn them into miniature wedding cakes.

Wedding Cake Cutters
After you have rolled out the cake balls, use two different size cookie cutters to make the shapes. You can use small cutters like these to shape the cake and frosting mixture.
They’re not too big … the round cutter is about 1 1/2 inches wide and the crinkle cutter is about 1 1/4 inches wide.
Press one cake ball into each mold until the mixture fills up the cookie cutter shape. Remove any excess and you can reuse.
Wedding Cakes
Remove mixture from the cookie cutters carefully so the shape stays intact and place on a wax paper-covered baking sheet.
When you have your shapes made, melt white candy coating per the directions on the package. Apply a thin layer of coating to the bottom of the smaller shaped cake, leaving the center uncoated. (This will make it easier for the lollipop stick to be inserted.)
Then place the small layer on top of the larger layer, coating side down. Press gently and let the candy coating set like glue. Place cakes in the refrigerator to keep chilled before dipping.
When you are ready, dip the tip of each lollipop stick in coating and then insert into the bottom of the cake about halfway. Then dip the wedding cake pop in a small narrow bowl of melted candy coating so that you can dip and remove the entire cake in one motion.
To make sure the coating is fluid enough, you can add some shortening or paramount crystals to help thin it out.
Remove from the candy coating, tap off any excess gently and place a jumbo heart sprinkle on top before the coating sets.
Let dry in a styrofoam block and then attach decorations using more melted candy coating like as glue. You can use sugar crystals, confetti sprinkles or even pipe on details like dots or swirls with more candy coating. You could really go all out with different decorations and colors.
Jumbo heart sprinkles
These jumbo heart sprinkles work out great for the top of the cakes.
Just look how simple and sweet these are.
Wedding Cake Pops

Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Welcome everyone to our new blog where we will be posting our favourite recipes, tutorials, pictures of our own designs and our favourites pictures from around the world.